As discussed in last month’s four blogs, brand storytelling is imperative in building a strong brand presence in such a competitive world of business. Combined with traditional marketing methods, it is a key factor in building the foundation of a company but let’s not forget another key member of the game: Employee Brand Advocacy (EBA). Whilst it may seem lacking, leveraging the passion and authenticity of your employees to showcase the company’s culture, values and services, is in actual fact an innovative strategy for boosting your brand presence. Discover the significance of EBA and how you may showcase that to your audience by having a read through the factors mentioned below.

Let’s start with the main question: What is Employee Brand Advocacy?

Why rely on just one section of your company when the whole organisation could be working towards the same goal? That’s what EBA is all about! Instead of relying on just the marketing team, EBA refers to the practice of empowering all employees to become brand ambassadors for their organization. As advocates of the company, they voluntarily share positive experiences, company news, and insights on social media platforms, leading to increased brand visibility and credibility.

Why is EBA crucial?

  1. Trust and Credibility:

    Although traditional advertising is more common and normally the usual route to take, it is sometimes seen as unreliable due to its characteristics such as one-way communication and the underlying truth that it is typically paid endorsements. Recently, consumer trust in peer recommendations has increased exponentially as it offers a human touch enhancing credibility and authenticity. People are more likely to trust recommendations from individuals they know and respect and thus why EBA is so important.

  2. Wider Reach

    Each employee becomes a micro-influencer with the potential of reaching thousands of people just through word of mouth. Through EBA, your company could reach a target audience even larger than the original intended number.

  3. Increased Employee Intake & Retention

    Through EBA, a company can showcase and boost its positive workplace environment appealing to potential candidates that would like to apply for the company.

  4. Customer Engagement

    Personal Employee generated content is typically more authentic and genuine which leads to higher levels of customer engagement. This can be seen through platforms such as Tiktok where larger companies such as Duolingo are releasing employee-generated content that appeals to the general public. This sneakily showcases the culture and values of the company through the lens of the employees which gives customers a clearer view of the employee-brand relationship.

How to start showcasing EBA?

  1. Behind-The-Scenes Stories

    Capture the little candid moments behind every team meeting, team event, team-bonding session and more. This will showcase employees not only collaborating but also creating friendships and bonds that could possibly last beyond the job. Capturing and showcasing all these moments have the power of humanising a brand, making it more authentic and genuine.

  2. Testimonials

    As mentioned in one of the previous blogs, video testimonials are extremely powerful in relaying the effectiveness of a company whilst also ensuring authenticity. However, video testimonials need not only be from customers, they can come from employees who would like to share their experiences and success stories, highlighting the positive impact the company has made on their lives and careers.

  3. Employee-Generated Content

    Ever stumbled upon videos such as, 'Follow me to work’ or 'What is the team eating for lunch today?’? These videos are effective in showcasing the work-life balance and positive work environment of employees. Additionally, it humanises companies by portraying how employees are able to create fun and collaborative videos whilst working.

Of course, EBA is not as simple as ABC and thus why strategies towards a successful EBA program have to be established before its emergence. Establish clear guidelines for when employees share content on social media platforms and provide social media training sessions so employees have a clear understanding of data privacy and consistent brand messaging. Not every employee may wish to be an advocate for the company so provide rewards and incentives to those who willingly participate. This also fosters a sense of pride and encourages others to join.

Employee Brand Advocacy is a powerful tool that can help businesses flourish in the digital age. By tapping into the genuine passion and enthusiasm of employees, companies can create an authentic brand presence that resonates with their audience. Through photography and videography, businesses can showcase the human side of their organization, fostering trust, engagement, and loyalty among customers and employees alike. Embrace Employee Brand Advocacy, and witness your business grow organically while building stronger connections with your audience.


