In today's digital age, visual content such as photography and videography has become a cornerstone of marketing and branding strategies for many businesses. However, not every company immediately comes to mind as needing visual content. Industries like law firms, accounting firms, and other service-oriented businesses often prioritize professionalism and may not see the value in visual content. Nevertheless, there are compelling reasons why even these seemingly less visual companies can benefit from incorporating visual content into their marketing and branding efforts.


One would never think of law firms in need of marketing content in the form of videography. As mentioned in the introduction, legal practices are typically associated with a more serious and professional image hence why visual content may seem unnecessary. However, thanks to Lynn & Brown, a law firm based in Perth, we’ve come to realise that anything is possible!

Together with Lynn & Brown, we have created a collection of Christmas videos that showcases their culture, teamwork and of course, Christmas spirit. For 2021, the employees of Lynn & Brown embarked on a journey for their own Christmas tree to brighten up their office. They could have easily taken the easy way out and bought a tree but no! There’s no easy route for a lawyer and so of course, they took the hard way and got to cutting their very own tree!

Additionally, with Covid just starting, Lynn & Brown were obviously concerned over Santa and whether he had to quarantine. Through various Zoom calls, research and discussions, it was finally decided that the only way around this would be to get Santa his very own Gingerbread house that would be able to house not only himself but also his 13 reindeers, his carriage and the presents for the population of Perth. Much discussion went into the construction of the house and not too long after, everyone got to work and Santa was blessed with an adorable sweet Gingerbread house for quarantine.

2022 saw Lynn & Brown expressing their favourite part of Christmas which ranged from giving gifts, grabbing a drink and hanging out with friends and in typical Western Australia spirit, going to the beach! Through the use of CGI, we were able to generate specific backgrounds to match each employee’s statement.

So how do such videos benefit companies that may not think they require visual content?

  1. Humanising the Firm: Even though a law firm typically has the image of being more serious and professional, it is still composed of real people with no doubt unique and interesting personalities with a great shared company culture. Through such videos, Lynn & Brown were able to showcase their employees and their personalities which not only humanises the company but also makes the company more relatable to potential clients. For example, one would never think of a law firm cutting down their own Christmas trees let alone constructing a Gingerbread house for Santa’s quarantine period.

  2. Building Trust: Through such visual content, it’ll enable your audience an insight into the faces and personalities of your company which helps build trust with potential clients. When clients are able to put not only a face but their personality to the name, clients are more likely to feel a deeper level of trust and confidence in their choice of representation. The videos produced for Lynn & Brown perfectly showcases their personalities and humour which will no doubt surprise their current and potential clients and eliminate the belief that lawyers are very serious.

  3. Expertise: In addition to creating whimsical and unique visual content, informative and educational videos on legal topics to showcase the firm’s expertise can also be created to serve as valuable resources for clients and prospects. This way, current and potential clients are afforded a glimpse into the work balance of Lynn & Brown. Not only are they reliable but also know when to get a party started.

To help you figure out whether or not visual content is for you, here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Audience: Who are your target audiences, and how do they consume content? Visual content can be tailored to resonate with specific demographics.

  2. Branding: Visual content can help shape and reinforce your brand identity, even in industries where professionalism is paramount as seen through Lynn & Brown.

  3. Competition: Get into stalker mode and assess what your competitors are doing and how their audience is reacting to the material. If your competitors have not jumped on board with visual content, it could give you the winning edge you never knew you needed.

  4. Storytelling: Rather than through the use of words, visual content is a powerful tool for telling your company's story and conveying its values without the worry of boring your consumers.

While some companies, like law firms, accounting firms, and healthcare providers, may not immediately see the need for visual content, there are clear advantages to incorporating it into their marketing and branding strategies. Humanising the business, building trust, showcasing expertise, and connecting with audiences are all valid reasons to consider the benefits of visual content. In today's visually driven world, embracing visual content can help these seemingly less visual companies stand out and connect with their clients and prospects on a deeper level. So what are you waiting for? Join in on the fun and let’s get started!


